Friday, November 28, 2008

The Call

I thought this was so interesting that I wanted to pass it along.  This is out of a book called Mirror, Mirror and identity handbook for life.  

This is about the way that different animals communicate with each other.  How does a lamb know it's mother in the crowd of hundreds of other ewes? The mother has a specific CALL, just for her baby.  How does the male seal find it's mate in amongst hundreds of other seals that look exactly alike that are scattered along the shore? A CALL.  It is meant for only one, and only that one can answer that call.  If another lamb, tried to approach the ewe the mother would reject it. ----as would the bull seal reject another female.  
You and I have a CALL that only you and I were meant to answer. No one else can fulfill that CALL.  So, you better go answer it! 

Intimidation! Game Over.

I have discovered something.  I have something to share with you.  YOU can only be intimidated by others if YOU allow it.  I discovered that I was allowing those around me to intimidate me.  A few steps to free yourself.  First, Be strong & Courageous, Be strong & courageous... Be Very Strong and courageous.  So, look those who are intimidating you directly in the eye! Speak with clarity.  Stand tall (or as tall as you can and for me 5 foot high is going to have to be tall enough). Be decisive!  Second, Stand up for yourself.  I have discovered that when I lack confidence I shrink back.  Next, It is so important to speak life; speak only positive things about yourself.  Not in pride but, in the confidence of knowing who you are in Christ.  I am an overcomer in Christ.  I have done all I can to stand.  I am equipped for the battle.  Third, build a memorial.  I know we cannot take 12 stones with us.  But, we can put things around us as reminders of that Christ is with us in the midst of the battle.  For me, I am posting scriptures all around me in my work environment.  God has placed me right where I am at.  And, it is interesting that he has set me in midst of a place that God has called us to reach.  Well, of course, silly me there will be adversity.  Of course, there will be a battle.  There are lives at stack.  There is school, a city, a town, a state and a nation to be changed... and it starts with One who is willing to no longer be intimidated by an imposture. The "enemy"  who would like to distract me from where God has placed me; I have been placed right in the very center of where God has called us too.  I am making a declaration no more intimidation!  I have got a call and purpose that has to be done. I do not have time for intimidation games! This game is over! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rear View Mirror living

Driving with only the rearview mirror.  Have you ever thought about it? 
What if you drive your car and only use the little rearview mirror?  What if you only watched what was behind you.  You would never be able to anticipate what is ahead of you!  You would never be able to see your destination; well that is until you passed it by.  You would more than likely miss out on the beauty of your surroundings and all that is ahead.  

Now, I am just like you.  And, I do have a tendency at times to look ahead with my concerns. But  Honestly, these days I am so excited about the path in front of me.  Do you want to know what liberated me to enjoy this path!  I quit looking in the review mirror.  I quit looking at where I had been.  I started to anticipate where am I going. 

I spend a lot of time just listening to those around me.  Which in "turn" causes me to over analyze just about everything.  When my listening ears are in tune; all I hear are people talking about where they were, what they did when they were my age.  Something inside of me jumps up and wants to get out of the vehicle and YELL!  Would you quit driving your life through the rearview mirror.  

God's word states: Behold, I am doing a new thing.  Forget the former things!  That is how we should chose to navigate our hearts and lives as well.  Look out the big front window. Enjoy the journey.  We are going places!  Get a glimpse of your destination... you won't want to limit yourself by only driving with the rearview mirror! 

Sunday, August 31, 2008

re: Imitation

So, this comment is really off of one of my favorite blog spots of all time.  It is called Evotional this blog spot is Mark Batterson's from National Community Church.  There is so many times that Mark writes something and I am like YAY!  I get it.  I agree.  I could not have said it better myself.  It is like a little boost in my day (who needs Red Bull) ... I print his writing and hang them up around me as encouragement.  Check it out! 

I once read a book, Called Your an original, don't die a copy!  Well, Mark's blog this week was about really pursuing the fresh, the new ideas.  We serve a creative God, who designed and crafted us in HIS image.... CREATIVE! (Right!)  We do not have to imitate anyone or anything, each one of us are unique!  I love it!  That I will trump until the end of time.  That is my story. When I quit trying to imitate and became all that God designed me to be... it revolutionized my entire life.  I am not rebellious.... I am an original.  I am walking in my God shape.  Which is different from every one around me even those that I love the most and admire and would love to be like them.  But, there tall and I am short.  They are like a model and I am short. They are so put together and I am just down right silly! (right Em!)   or, whatever the differences may be! 

So as a declaration of it goes!    Hey, an imitation is never as good as the original right?  What is that imitation crab meat anyway?  Mark says "Imitation is Suicide"... I am not willing to die to that!  Imitation no way.  I will take the Original that God called me to be.  I hope the same for you!  I challenge you to discover you!  It will change your life!  It will! 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My cup runneth over!

Last night, I actually got to watch a chick flick Hope Floats.  One of the lines from the movie is "My cup runneth over".  That is how I am feeling right now!  Church was amazing!  Thank you, to those who stood with us today as a part of Infusion Community Church.  OUR TEAM!  I stand amazed at what God is doing.  This team God is building. The journey has just begun.   Thank you everyone!

My heart-aches with the goodbyes to our church family at Desert Springs Church.  I know God has called us and I know that this is right.  But, goodbyes are never easy!  I know our hearts will always be joined with DSC.  They are our family.  We have grown up there! Pastor Brad and Becky thank you for investing in the lives of two hurting souls.  Thank you for seeing our potential and believing in us.  You are right, we are one church body and our hearts are connected. We will always be a part of DSC!  ALWAYS.  

In the movie, there is another line (Marie - I got two good lines from one movie!) The beginning is scary, the end is usually sad, it is the middle that matters the most!  Here we are at the end of our time at DSC as a part of the staff, at the beginning of a church plant of Infusion Community church which is scary (yet, so exciting).  We have the perfect opportunity to make the middle count!!  We are willing to make it matter!   We are willing to make a difference! 

My cup runneth over.... and over with the love that I feel in my heart for my church family!  And, the merge of two great places our home Desert Springs and our soon to be home Infusion Community Church!  


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Write it down.

Write it down! Not because I am forgetful!  Not because of my AGE!  Write it down is my responsibility and duty.  How can I expect to receive more from God when I am not responsible with what I have been given?  This week in my devotional life twice God showed me the need to write it down!  

First, in Habakuk 2:2 it talks about write it on the tablets.  In my opinion, this computer screen is a modern day tablet.  Make it Plain!  So, the messenger can run with it!  

Second, in the devo book The Secret of The Secret Place, the whole chapter was devoted to journaling.  Is blogging classified as journaling?? In my devotions I was so convicted about the whole Write It Down thing!  

And, finally this week I had two different friends gently and loving remind me to write it down! So, that I will remember the journey.  Did I mention they did not know anything about what God has been putting in my heart!  I think I get the message here.... WRITE IT DOWN! 

I am going to be faithful in the little things  so He can trust me with much!  Ok!  Yes,
sometimes writing it down... takes work and who has time!  But, I really do get the message!  I writing, I am writing!  

Sunday, July 27, 2008

re: Infusion Community Church

Standing in line the other day.  
I heard someone scream at the top of their lungs. "I am living the dream!!" 
Can you say the same? Dan & I have been dreaming for four years of planting a church in Queen Creek.
And, now.... We are living the dream!

This blog has been created to share my reflections of the journey to plant this church.

Infusion Community Church.

What is happening at Infusion Community Church. 
Have you heard the current trend in churches are what they are calling "house churches"?
Without even trying we have become a church body that is having church in houses.
We have homes that host the following: Prayer meetings, discipleship meetings, & marriage builders class.  
And, fellowship as my mom makes her homemade pizza. YuM!
We are having church before we have even had a service!

God's Word... The Bible proclaims "You have not because you ask not."
Listed here you will find the things that Infusion Community Church is praying for.

Worship Leaders and musicians
Children's workers
The Community - How can we as a church meet the needs. How can we bring hope!
People. (We are praying that God will add to the church daily).