I have discovered something. I have something to share with you. YOU can only be intimidated by others if YOU allow it. I discovered that I was allowing those around me to intimidate me. A few steps to free yourself. First, Be strong & Courageous, Be strong & courageous... Be Very Strong and courageous. So, look those who are intimidating you directly in the eye! Speak with clarity. Stand tall (or as tall as you can and for me 5 foot high is going to have to be tall enough). Be decisive! Second, Stand up for yourself. I have discovered that when I lack confidence I shrink back. Next, It is so important to speak life; speak only positive things about yourself. Not in pride but, in the confidence of knowing who you are in Christ. I am an overcomer in Christ. I have done all I can to stand. I am equipped for the battle. Third, build a memorial. I know we cannot take 12 stones with us. But, we can put things around us as reminders of that Christ is with us in the midst of the battle. For me, I am posting scriptures all around me in my work environment. God has placed me right where I am at. And, it is interesting that he has set me in midst of a place that God has called us to reach. Well, of course, silly me there will be adversity. Of course, there will be a battle. There are lives at stack. There is school, a city, a town, a state and a nation to be changed... and it starts with One who is willing to no longer be intimidated by an imposture. The "enemy" who would like to distract me from where God has placed me; I have been placed right in the very center of where God has called us too. I am making a declaration no more intimidation! I have got a call and purpose that has to be done. I do not have time for intimidation games! This game is over!